WiMAX,stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access,is a wireless telecommunications protocol, providing wireless data over long distances in a variety of transmission modes, from point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links to portable and full mobile cellular type access based on IEEE 802.16.The another name of WiMAX is wireless man.And this is the hilarious inventions of this century.To fulfill the demand of IEEE 802.16 ,this name was given by WiMAX Forum at 2001.WiMAX is a alternate communication way such as cable or DSL which delivery data at last point as a wireless broadband by this hilarious invention. At present, there have been some limitations such as by dial up line the transmission becomes slower, also impossible to connect on pick
hour. By MODEM or DSL ,it is provided a broadband access so that cost is higher than others. Although it is impossible to connect without telephone line. To avoiding this limitation another hilarious invention technology, mobile GSM(Global System for Mobilecommunication) was invented .But now a days internet users are increasing rapidly .We have bandwidth limitation and other GSM technological problem ,we have to find out a alternate path that is less expensive, higher data transmission rate. We can overcome this by medium speed called WiFi another hilarious invention which coverage a very few area but cost is higher. WiFI is a process by which we can connect with a limited area creating a wireless network zone and finally providing a limited number of user for accessing net by WiFi routing .By overcoming various limitation, WiMAX,really a hilarious invention, is a wireless technology provides access its network users with low cost and high speed.
Primarily a WiMAX can be divided into two types: non line-off sight and line-off sight.
A non-line off is WiMAX connection by which it is possible to transmission data to WiMAX receive to overcoming lower wavelength transmission ranging 2Ghz to 22Ghz.Beside, in line-off sight connection uses higher frequency by which large amount of data to be transferred easily .We have also another two type of WiMAX:fixed and mobile WiMAX.Difference between WiMAX and WiFi:
These two hilarious invention are almost same but is has few differences.WiFi coverage rang is 30-100 miters but WiMAX can coverage about 100 miles.At simultaneously by WiMAX access more users than WiFi .Maximum speed of WiFi is 54mbps and 70mbps for WiMAX.WiMAX technology operate in a low frequency bandwidth. It is possible to coverage 3-4 moles by using only one